More About Meredith

Nature is my most consistent source of inspiration

I work as a designer creating decorative lighting and custom crystal installations all over the world. Check out one of my favorite projects here!

I believe in the power of storytelling and have many ideas for stories I want to tell through children’s books!

I’m also one of those people who saves everything thinking “I could use that for an art project someday!”

That mindset was taken to a new level when, at 24, I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. I was testing my blood sugar constantly trying to figure out how to be a human pancreas and it wasn’t long before I had squirreled away hundreds of old test strips for that someday art project. This time someday actually came!

I wanted to add a little more meaning to the art though. The ups and downs of a day in the life of a human pancreas can be exhausting and invisible to most of the world. By painting test strips different colors for different blood sugar levels, I thought I could communicate some of what’s going on behind the scenes in a beautiful way. A functional pancreas would keep you in the light blue section all day long.

I have dreams of creating larger installations with this kind of art to both communicate some of the invisible waves diabetics ride and create a sense of community through art. Meeting other people with diabetes and realizing I’m not alone in this fight has been one of the best tools to life as a human pancreas.

I love to attempt handstands everywhere,

(they used to be so much better!)…

make stuff for people I love,

(there’s never enough time for everything I want to make!)…

and look at as many pretty skies as I can.